6 March 2025
Fairmont Olympic Hotel
411 University Street
Seattle, Washington 98101
Guide to Board session types:
- Closed executive session: board members only.
- Open to observers session: local and remote attendees are welcome to listen in.
- Open forum session: local and remote attendees are welcome to ask questions, provide input, and discuss with the board. There are no open forum sessions scheduled for this meeting.
Note: The Board may invite individuals to participate in any session (e.g., as presenters) as needed.
Times on this agenda are listed in UTC for the benefit of remote participants and observers in different regions. Use timezone conversion to convert to your local time.
Thursday, 6 March 2025
Open to Observers Session
17:00 UTC
1. Welcome, Apologies and Declarations of Conflict–Ted Hardie
17:05 UTC
2. Community Chair Reports–Ted Hardie
a. ChAC-Flávio Rech Wagner
b. OMAC-Harald Summa
18:05 UTC
3. Welcome to New and Rejuvenated Chapters and SIGs–Ted Hardie
18:10 UTC
4. San Francisco Bay Area Chapter Report–Ron Petty and David Issa
18:45 UTC
5. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes–Ted Hardie
a. Approval of Board Meeting 186 Minutes (12 February 2025)
Proposed Resolution 2025-X: Approve the Minutes of the 186th Internet Society Board Meeting
WHEREAS, the Internet Society Board of Trustees has reviewed the minutes of the 186th board meeting as presented;
RESOLVED, that the minutes of the 186th meeting of the Internet Society Board of Trustees are approved.
a. Approval of Board Meeting 185 Minutes (8 January 2025)
Proposed Resolution 2025-X: Approve the Minutes of the 185th Internet Society Board Meeting
WHEREAS, the Internet Society Board of Trustees has reviewed the minutes of the 185th board meeting as presented;
RESOLVED, that the minutes of the 185th meeting of the Internet Society Board of Trustees are approved.
b. Approval of Board Meeting 184 Minutes (11 December 2025)
Proposed Resolution 2025-X: Approve the Minutes of the 184th Internet Society Board Meeting
WHEREAS, the Internet Society Board of Trustees has reviewed the minutes of the 184th board meeting as presented;
RESOLVED, that the minutes of the 184th meeting of the Internet Society Board of Trustees are approved.
18:50 UTC
19:00 UTC
6. President and CEO’s Report–Sally Wentworth
19:45 UTC
7. Review of Organizational Performance–Katie Bengaard
20:30 UTC
8. Governance Committee Report–Charles Mok
Proposed Resolution 2025-X: Approval of Amendments to the Nominations Committee and Governance Committee Charters
WHEREAS, the Governance Committee received trustee comments and considered recommendations related to distributing the Guidance to the Nominations Committee more broadly;
WHEREAS, the Governance Committee recommends amending the Governance Committee Charter to ensure that the Governance Committee broadly distributes the Guidance to the Nominations Committee;
WHEREAS, as part of the review, the Governance Committee identified additional language in the Nominations Committee Charter that needed revisions;
RESOLVED, the Board of Trustees approves the amendments to the Nominations Committee Charter and Governance Committee Charter as presented.
a. Approval of Amendments to the Nominations Committee Charter and Governance Committee Charter
20:50 UTC
Closed Executive Session
21:50 UTC
9. CFO’s Report–Sae Park
22:10 UTC
10. Finance Committee Report–Laura Thomson
22:20 UTC
11. Committee Reports–Ted Hardie
a. Governance Committee: Presentation of the Board Self-Assessment Results–Charles Mok
b. Compensation Committee–Ted Hardie
c. Leadership Continuity Committee–Brian Haberman and Funke Baruwa
d. Nominations Committee–Caleb Ogundele
e. Fundraising Working Group – Funke Baruwa
23:30 UTC
23:40 UTC
12. Enterprise Risk Management–Sally Wentworth and Chris Locke
Board and CEO Only Session
00:40 UTC
13. Board and CEO Session–Ted Hardie
Open to Observers Session
01:00 UTC
14. Any Other Business–Ted Hardie
a. Notice of Board Meetings to the Community
01:30 UTC
15. Adjournment–Ted Hardie